Another one of my ideas for the layering project were to do the layers of melted crayon wax on a piece of cardboard (or another type of medium that wouldn't be affected by the heat) and put all different shades of blue on it and cover the whole thing. Then, in the middle, put yellow and make a sun.
To me, layering is a way to show everything you want to over time. I think that the layers at the bottom or underneath are just as important and meaningful as the layers that show more. I just think that the layers on top have overtaken the layers on the bottom. They can be the same thing, just maybe a new version or a different type of the same thing. I showed my interpretation of layering in my project by melting multiple layers of crayons on styrofoam balls. On some of them I put string around them after the first or second layer to then peel it off at the end to show the past layers better.
I decided to use the crayon way because I had seen people do the melted crayon wax on a canvas and let it drip and I liked how thick it looked on the canvas. I decided to use styrofoam balls because I wanted my project to be 3D and not just on a paper or canvas.
The issues I had creating this piece were that sometimes, the string would peel everything off the ones I was giving a deeper layering sense to, so I had to do it a couple of times to get it to work the way I wanted it to. The wax also didn't mix well so I had to add sort of a clear medium wax to get it to mix better.
We encourage risk taking in art. Risk taking can be as simple as trying a new technique or learning about a new medium to as complex as trying something totally new. What risks did you take creating this project? I took a big risk I think with this project because I normally do not do sculptures and I have never used any sort of wax. So, i was very nervous while in the process of making this.
Of the 5 characteristics of great art, I used the new and medium characteristics. I think my project turned out good. I like the way they sit on each other and the different colors.